Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Carried Bradshaw’s style definitely contrasts that of Aiden. Her high fashion style of boots and sequence tank tops drastically clash her carpenter boyfriend’s grungy jeans and (maybe) a t-shirt style. But they are just right for each other.

Today Conner took me backstage the theater where we hung out with his friends for lunch. With my hair all pinned up and four different colors on my eyelids, I sat in a sawdust covered chair. My dainty silk slippers tapped his sneakers to the beat of the music that resonated off the concrete walls. It was the first time I had been in “his school environment” as he has known it the last four years. I looked at Conner, relaxed in a splatter painted lounge chair surrounded by half-finished projects and felt peaceful at the sight of him.

An hour later I looked down and noticed I still had sawdust all over my new black dress shirt. I felt like Carrie just returning from Aiden’s carpentry workshop. My many gold bangle bracelets jingled as I wiped off the sawdust. I smiled and thought about how two so seemingly different people can go together so well. I smiled at how jeweled, freshly painted fingers fit perfectly in large, spray painted hands.

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