Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Carried Bradshaw’s style definitely contrasts that of Aiden. Her high fashion style of boots and sequence tank tops drastically clash her carpenter boyfriend’s grungy jeans and (maybe) a t-shirt style. But they are just right for each other.

Today Conner took me backstage the theater where we hung out with his friends for lunch. With my hair all pinned up and four different colors on my eyelids, I sat in a sawdust covered chair. My dainty silk slippers tapped his sneakers to the beat of the music that resonated off the concrete walls. It was the first time I had been in “his school environment” as he has known it the last four years. I looked at Conner, relaxed in a splatter painted lounge chair surrounded by half-finished projects and felt peaceful at the sight of him.

An hour later I looked down and noticed I still had sawdust all over my new black dress shirt. I felt like Carrie just returning from Aiden’s carpentry workshop. My many gold bangle bracelets jingled as I wiped off the sawdust. I smiled and thought about how two so seemingly different people can go together so well. I smiled at how jeweled, freshly painted fingers fit perfectly in large, spray painted hands.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Vibrant Ruby

I wake up and grab my thick socks from the nightstand before letting my toes hit the chilled wooden floor. I cross the bedroom in two solid steps and enter the narrow hallway. In the kitchen, I heat up the skillet and whip up a quick egg. Fried with the yoke broken. Just the way I like it. A chime rings through the air and a piece of toast jumps up just in time. I sit at the tiny four-top, legs crossed under me on my chair, and I look five stories down to the cobblestone pathway. People are already buzzing about outside. My heart does a jumping jack and I rush into the extra bedroom. I had renovated the minute guestroom into a walk-in closet last autumn. Let’s face it; I have more clothes than I do overnight visitors. I push aside department store racks of pants, tank tops, summer dresses. Flipping on the stereo, I rummage through my wardrobe, the sun from the window joining me in my quest. I find the pair of denims I was looking for: dark, slender, just crisp enough to look more chic than the pair you wear every day. Twirling and fluttering around, I put together an outfit that perfectly fits my feathery and cheerful mood.

Pausing to look in the full length mirror, Coco Chanel’s words dash into my mind, “When accessorizing, always take off the last thing you put on.” I pull off the red and gold headscarf and shook out my long curls. Perfect.

I step out of my apartment and chirp good morning to the single mom that lives next to me who just returned from taking her youngest out to the playground at the nearby park. I decide to take the stairs as I glide a vibrant ruby across my lips.

My forest green heels hit the stone path and I lift my face to the sky. The sun kisses my cheeks and continues to hug my back as I mosey on down the street toward the marketplace. The delightful fragrance of fresh fruit stealthily captures my attention and I purchase a juicy pear from a vendor. Slurping on my treasure, I slip past bustling, talkative groups of people and pick up a pound of hazelnut coffee beans and a big orange ribbon. My lips form a smile as I imagine my neighbor putting it to use and needing the extra boost to help her out on those early morning park adventures. A little skip finds its way into my gait and my smile broadens even more as I look forward to the rest of this joyous day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


When we kiss
On the clouds
I spin and twirl
And sing out loud

My toes dangle
In the sky
I flip and swirl
And dare to fly

My heart’s a flutter
When I’m with you
I dance and whirl
Up to the moon

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Where We Walk

Where we walk
And where we’ve been
Cannot be judged
By the minds of men

Their ways, their laws
Every word and thought
Cannot take the power
For which they fought

They try and take over
Try to be in command
But they cannot control
That which they demand

So have no fear
And pay them no mind
Cast those worries
And troubles behind

They cannot touch you
So shed not a tear
If you desire,
They cannot come near.

Friday, January 4, 2008


When will we voyage
beyond this world
and see see see
beyond the sky?

When will we journey
behind those clouds
and spy spy spy
with our very own eye?

Oh, to see what is past you, Sky
Oh, to escape your bearing
and fly fly fly…

I do this best when...

I do this best when…
I cook best when I make a meal for someone I care about.
I drive best when I’m fucking pissed.
I dance best when I don’t have to fend off creepy men.
I laugh best when I really enjoy the company.
I live best when I trust God.
I love myself best when I think about how much God loves me.
I run best when there is nothing on my mind.
I sleep best when I am sad.
I sing best when I’m in the car and can’t hear myself anyway.
I read best when I don’t have a care in the world.
I feel best when I make others feel good.
I get in trouble best when, oh wait, I don’t get caught.
I study best when, oh wait, I don’t study.
I write best when it is really late at night.
I worship best when I laugh.